

Meet Pepper

Pepper is a robot designed for people. Built to connect with them, assist them, and share knowledge with them – while helping your business in the process.

Pepper (robot)

Pepper is a semi-humanoid robot manufactured by SoftBank Robotics (formerly Aldebaran Robotics), designed with the ability to read emotions.


Pepper,是一個會表達情緒的類人型機器人。由鴻海精密所製造。它是在2014年6月5日一個發布會上被介紹,第二天開始在日本的軟銀手機賣場被展示。它計劃於2015年2月將在 ...

Pepper the humanoid and programmable robot

Discover Pepper the humanoid robot designed to interact with humans. Standing 120cm tall, Pepper can perceive his environment and speak 15 languages.


Our humanoid robot Pepper is designed to emotionally interact with humans – in schools, offices, nursing homes and more. ➤ Learn more about Pepper here.


Pepper, from SoftBank Robotics, is the world's first humanoid robot with emotion recognition. For details visit


Pepper is a 121cm tall humanoid robot who was born on June 5th 2014. As Pepper is designed for human interaction with vocal conversation as well as through ...

SoftBank Robotics Corp. 製作Pepper Developer UX ...

SoftBank Robotics Corp.(以下簡稱SBR)經手企劃、開發擁有感情的個人機器人Pepper。Pepper 要能滲透至社會生活中,不能缺少負責開發應用程式的開發者。


软银Pepper机器人和NAO机器人是学习人工智能、K12教育、STEAM教育、导诊导购机器人、服务机器人的理想平台,适用于多类应用场景。登陆软银机器人SoftBank官网, ...